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Where to buy

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Consultants and representatives are scattered throughout Brazil. Select the state below.

Duroline products are applied in trucks, trailers, coaches, buses on the worldwide roads: from South America up to North America, from Australia Continent up to Europe. Our friction materials meets the needs and specific demands of each market.

In Brazil

São Paulo
JMB Representações Ltda

Address: Hilda Amaral Mathiensen, 100 - Bairro Condonímio Vila Rica - CEP: 13613-256 - Leme/SP

Cell phone: + 55 54 (19) 99852 7762


Contact: João Marcos Olivieri Braz

Region: São Paulo - cidades Lado de cima do Rio Tietê, e demais cidades com DDD 15, DDD 16, DDD 17 e  DDD 19 ( exceto o munícipio de Campinas)

Resol Representações Comerciais Ltda

Address: Doutor Caio Mizubuti, 100 - Bairro. Vila Soares - CEP: 19906-520 - Ourinhos/SP

Cell Phone: (14) 99783-1064


Contact: Mauro Sérgio

Region: São Paulo - Andradina – Araçatuba – Lins – Bauru – Jaú - Presidente Venceslau - Presidente Prudente – Assis – Tupã – Dracena – Marília – Ourinhos – Avaré – Botucatu – Itapetininga – Itapeva –Registro