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Press Statements



Duroline 32 years of history

32 years ago Duroline was a dream, a goal, someone idealized it and worked to make it come true.

Many changes had to occur, many obstacles had to be overcome, triumphs celebrated, but that made the essence of what Duroline is today.

A company that is reborn every year, a company that survives strong, that tirelessly strives to stand firm with its brand in every corner of this world.

A company that has several professionals who came here to add their efforts, their knowledge to write new chapters of this story of improvement.

I believe that today the people who conceived this project back there, who set this as a goal, should feel proud of the feat they did, they should look back and see all the path they traveled, and the courage they had to realize this dream. .

We don't need a holiday date to say THANKS. But we take this opportunity to express our gratitude to each collaborator for all their dedication. Your efforts make a difference in building this story. The contribution of each one is to travel the roads of the whole world, with a quality product that carries in its DNA the confidence and security that our client seeks when acquiring Duroline canvases.

Our special thanks also to our customers, suppliers and partners for the trust they place in our company, you are our greatest motivation to continue following a success story.

Fonte: Depto Marketing
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