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Training – CTT

Performing Evolution - Shortening distances towards qualification

The constant improvement of process and the pursuit for the excellence of its products and services are some of the differentials that make Duroline an outstanding company. Proof of this is the "Programa Evoluir" - Performing Evolution Program - which offers support and training to clients from all over the country.

Through of our technical consultant administer basic training for the effective implementation of Duroline products.

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The Training Center Provides Qualification to Customers and Employees

Duroline is aware that competence is closely related to research and professional capacitation. Bearing that in mind, it has developed the Duroline Center of Technology and Training (CTT). There are performed researches in the field of environment and development of new technologies, product testing and training for professional qualifications.

The CTT is located next to Duroline´s main facility and it is a three-floor building. It has the most updated equipment for testing and demonstration. On the ground floor is the pilot laboratory, physicochemical and test equipment. On the first floor the administrative department and product development engineering and training.